copywriting resources for scaling coaches

Freebies to make scaling easier

Check out the resources below

copywriting resources for scaling coaches

Freebies to make scaling easier

Check out the resources below 👇🏼

sales page outliner: copywriting resources


Want to get more people to buy WITHOUT increasing your leads?

Sometimes you're so busy with clients that you forget to prioritize lead gen. You blink, 6 months have passed and you're stuck launching to the same list.

Do you want to enroll more students in your membership and group coaching programs?

Two words: Sales. Psychology.

In this guide, you'll learn to use buyer psychology to write your sales page for drastically more sales.

sales page outliner: copywriting resources
voc research, market research questions
voc research, market research questions

Write copy that actually converts

Ever wished you could read your audiences mind for on-point in their head messaging?

Well, now you can! Unlock the most powerful tool In business – Messaging clarity.

Get inside their mind for on-point messaging with 45+ proven voice of customer and market research questions.

Find the exact words that connect with your audience, boost authority, build trust, and create demand for your programs.

Ready to sell your million $$ offer?

Listen To Copy To Freedom: The Podcast

Erin will help you dial in your messaging and copy to boost sales and recurring revenue. You'll discover the psychology-based strategies needed to scale your business to multiple 6 figures and beyond.


podcast: the best copywriting resources
Erin Copywriting for Creatives

Hi, I'm erin – Launch Strategist, Copywriter & Offer Matchmaker

launch strategist and launch copywriting

I built a lifestyle-first business and I can’t wait to help you do the same.

As a copywriter for creatives, I’ll help you earn more and live BIG as you scale your brand to make more while doing less.

For every 10 sales pages that sound the same, there is ONE that stands out and makes the reader laugh, cry and rejoice – “Babe, I found her!” 

I built a lifestyle-first business and I can’t wait to help you do the same.

I write launch copy that stands out & makes your offer an absolute no-brainer using my signature connection-first process.

For every 10 sales pages that sound the same, there is ONE that stands out and makes the reader laugh, cry and rejoice – “Babe, I found her!” 

That 10th page... it can be yours with the click of that button below.

Follow Along on Instagram