Copywriting Podcast for Coaches & Course Creators


Upgrade your launch copywriting, create connection-first copy and build a freedom business with scalable offers.

Copywriting Podcast for Coaches & Course Creators


Upgrade your launch copywriting, create connection-first copy and build a freedom business with scalable offers.

Latest Episodes

How to Uncover Juicy & Irresistible Copywriting Messaging Angles

03. How to Uncover Juicy & Irresistible Messaging Angles

May 13, 202415 min read

'But it doesn’t call to the client’s dream audience in a way that says, “Hey you! I deeply understand what you’re going through, and here are the very specific problems and desires you have. I’m talking to you because I am an expert at what I do and you can be sure that this offer will be exactly what you need.”'

03. How to Uncover Juicy & Irresistible Messaging Angles

Ever wanted to get an inside look into the mind of your audience? I’m back with part 2 of the Simplify Your Copy series and in today's episode, you’ll learn to uncover irresistible messaging angles that create that "OMG, she's in my head" response so clients need what you’re selling.

Through real-life examples, you’ll get a look into “Phase 1: Position” of my connection-first framework to walk away with actionable strategies that identify your audience's pain points, desires, and unique challenges to create copy that drives conversions and sets your business apart.

Take your copywriting skills to the next level and transform your launch. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur scaling to 7 figures or a newer coach working toward 6-figures, this episode will pull back the curtain on mistakes I see the majority of business owners making with their copy, regardless of how long they’ve been in business.

Topics discussed:

  • How to understand what your audience needs to hear before writing anything.

  • Why you’re doing all the things ... but aren’t getting the conversions you want.

  • How generic and ambiguous language in copywriting is the cause of poor sales 

  • The role of specificity and emotional resonance in crafting compelling messaging that drives action.

  • A strategy that delivers 80% results for just 20% effort (that you can do today)

  • A real-life example of how I helped a client dig beneath surface-level copy to get to the heart of her audience's desires.  

  • Strategies for uncovering the juicy and irresistible messaging angles to use in your sales copy.

Thank you for listening to this episode of Copy to Freedom: The Podcast. Subscribe for more lighthearted, inspirational, and actionable chats about business, marketing, and reclaiming your freedom.

Connect with Erin:



Would you love a free 30-min strategy call with me? These strategy calls have previously been reserved for my DFY high-ticket clients and are valued at over $250.

All you have to do is leave the show an honest review. Take a screenshot and send it to [email protected] and you’ll go into the monthly draw to win a 1:1 strategy call. These calls will be a gamechanger if you’ve got an upcoming launch or need an existing piece of copy improved.


Welcome back to the podcast, and today we’re revisiting The Simplify Your Copy series where I’m uncomplicating the copy process and diving into ONLY what you need to know as a non-copywriter to scale your business.

This is part 2 of the series and in this episode, we’ll be visiting a topic that requires minimal effort but gets you maximum results.

In part one, we chatted about what to include and how to outline your sales page using the principles of buyer psychology. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, I would recommend checking that episode out after this one; it’s episode 01, Sections of a High Converting Sales Page. But don’t worry, you don’t need to listen to them in order. If you struggle with knowing what to include and how to say it, that episode is going to give you a TON of clarity.

Alright, so today, we’re actually rewinding even further to what happens before you start writing.

Now, you might be wondering WHY I didn’t do this episode first. And the real reason is that most of you will skip this step. Even after listening to this, I can guarantee that many of you still won’t do it. Getting your sales page written is the sexy part, just like launching and doing all the tangible tasks they make you feel really accomplished because you can see them. This is a little more abstract.

I know a lot of people in this audience think they aren’t good writers or if you’re like my spiritual babes and coaches you believe your ideas lose potency when translated from thoughts into words.

And one of the reasons you feel this way is your process for writing copy. When you’ve tasked yourself to write a sales page or an email and step 1 is you open a Google doc then you sit staring at a blank screen wondering “Where TF do I start?” This is the problem. Step 1 is not writing.

In my connection-first framework, I have 3 steps that come before any writing. When you do these first, you'll feel much more confident knowing:

what you need to say

how to stay authentic

And how to say it

The principle you’ll be learning today is no. 1 “what you need to say.”

And I know many of you skip this because it feels hard or you don’t want to do it because it can be outside of your comfort zone.

But you know how they say, 80% of your results come from the 20% of your actions? Well, this step is the 20%.

And it’s easy. I promise you that. And it will be SO worth it when you do it and pay off in dividends – as in create a huge upward shift in your conversions.

Ok, so enough teasing – what am I talking about? What is so powerful, it can create 80% of your results with just 20% of your effort?

That thing is to uncover the juicy and irresistible messaging angles so your dream clients have that “OMG, she’s in my head” response when reading your copy.

This isn’t just some buzzword us copywriters use, because I’m sure you’ve landed on a sales page in the past and just connected with absolutely everything that was written there. You knew before you scrolled down to the offer, that whatever it was, you NEEDED it.

Today I want to help you create that effect for yourself.

Firstly, it’s important to stop guessing what your audience needs to hear.

Let me ask you this, do you feel like you’re doing all.the.things but still aren’t hitting your sales targets?

You’ve done everything you’re supposed to do in a launch…

You followed a proven strategy

You wrote the sales page

You teased and warmed up your audience

Then cart open you sent out a killer sales sequence

While you may have gotten a few sales, you didn’t hit your 5 or 6-figure goals.

And you think…

Maybe your offer is the problem…

Did I price it too high? Should I add more bonuses? Maybe module 2 wasn’t sexy enough.


You think that your audience is too small. And that to enroll more students you need wayyyy more people.

Hand up if you’ve thought one of these things after a launch that go to plan?

And here’s the thing. List growth is something you should be doing. But do you think if you significantly increased your audience size, you significantly increase conversions?

We’re all about working smarter not harder around here. Before just doing the thing because everyone else is doing it, ask yourself if it’s right for your business. So is list growth what you should be prioritizing before you relaunch or do you already have a decent sized list that hasn’t been exhausted?

Do you actually need to create a new offer or do you know your current offer will provide a massive transformation to its desired audience?

If you’re not converting at a minimum of 3-5% – Your offer and your audience size is NOT the problem.

And I know you probably feel frustrated. You probably feel overwhelmed and probably like you will never get the hang of this launch thing.

You put so much time and energy into it. So when it doesn’t work, it’s easy to become reactive. You’re just IN it. Nothing you do is multi-6-figure CEO responsive.

But right now, I want you to let out a sigh of relief because the good news is… If you’ve got an audience, are great at selling out your 1:1 offers but you around hitting your group program sales goals – we can fix that.

You’ve just got a messaging problem.

Boom. Diagnosis.

You just built the house without the foundation

Looks good from a distance.

It appears you've done all the things, but when you get closer it's just a wobbly set of walls and a roof without a solid foundation.

And it does not hold up in a storm or in this case, in a launch.

What you need is a strong messaging foundation to launch from.

That will get you out of the cycle of constantly creating, of always doing lead gen and instead help you develop a couple of signature programs that you can re-launch over and over using the same assets. Hello, freedom-based business.

You’ve got the offer, how do you uncover these messaging angles that create demand for your programs, and deliver results?

Before you can uncover these juicy messaging angles I want to quickly point out how a messaging problem shows up in your launches and your business.

When I’m reviewing copy or working with a new client, the thing I see 90% of the time is that

The problems and solutions don’t go deep enough to cause a reaction from the reader.

There’s an overuse of generic same-same messaging which doesn’t position you as an authority.

And an overuse of words and phrases that sound good but have no meaning.

The coaching and online education industry is BOOMING right now, which means markets are more saturated. While that sounds scary, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing a bad thing because people are still buying. It’s only when the educators increase but students decrease that there’s a problem.

In fact, the online education industry was valued at almost 39 billion dollars in 2022 and is projected to grow to 270 billion by 2031.

The only thing you actually need to be concerned about right now, is how to stand out and take your piece of pie.

Because surface level copy and generalized messaging that once worked doesn’t cut it anymore (this is why you may have been seeing your launches decrease or plateau in sales over the past few years).

You're missing out on sales because the messaging angles don’t speak to your ideal client's deepest desires and fears.

Or your unique selling point isn’t a no-brainer solution because there are 100 other unique selling points that are exactly the same.

Or your expert bias is getting in the way. As in you assume your audience knows as much as you do about their problem.


To uncover the juicy and irresistible messaging angles that deliver the “She’s in my head” copy.

I want you to dig deeper into the topics, pain points and benefits that matter to your dream clients.

Make sure you're speaking the same language as them – Too often, what they think is the solution is different to what you know is the solution. You need to meet your audience where they’re at.

Let’s look at an example of some typical benefits you'd see on a sales page.

Regain control of your life and rediscover your unique path.

Find deep fulfillment without sacrificing what matters to you.

Can you tell me what's wrong with this? Do you hear a problem with them at all?

If you said you couldn’t find anything wrong with them, I’m not surprised.

Remember back to our house? It looks good, it’s just on closer inspection or when it needs to hold up in a storm you see the shaky foundation it’s built on.

So what is wrong with these sentences? And these are taken from a real-life scenario that I worked on with a client.

The language being used is generic and quite ambiguous.

Almost anyone who lands on this page could relate to it in a way. But it doesn’t call to the client’s dream audience in a way that says, “hey you, I deeply understand what you’re going through, and here are the very specific problems and desires you have, I’m talking to you because I am an expert at what I do and you can be sure that this offer will be exactly what you need.”

And this is why language like this is costing you sales.

Because it’s skimmable. It doesn’t evoke the readers emotions. Instead of getting the response above, it gets an “meh, it’s alright”

Let’s fix these sentences. How should they be written?

When working with my client, we turned, Regain control of your life and rediscover your unique path into “Strike a balance between excelling at work and enjoying your personal life”

Find deep fulfillment without sacrificing what matters to you was upgraded to “Confidently pursue that promotion at work without missing your son’s winning goal at the soccer game”

Do you want to know how to do this with your own copy?

The way I helped my client improve on her benefit copy was to ask what she meant by these statements.

For example, I asked her, What benefits will your clients see when they “Regain control of their life?” What does your client actually want?” And the same for rediscover your unique path. What does that actually mean to someone you’re trying to work with? Why is that important to them? Or how does that show up in their daily life?

Keep asking WHY it’s important to your ideal clients until you come up with an answer that's hyper specific.

Now, what if you don’t know?

What if you answered that question by saying,

“I think it’s important because…” or “I think they would want…”

As soon as I hear the words, “I think” there is MORE work to be done.

And this is what we’ve been working toward this entire episode. HOW do you find and uncover the juicy messaging angles to use in your sales copy?

VOC Interviews

All market research can be valuable and has its place.

Competitor Research, Surveys & Polls are a great starting place…

But the real magic. That’s when you get face-to-face with someone and have the ability to ask furthering questions.

Just like the famous quote by Henry Ford the inventor of the car. He said, if he’d asked his audience what they wanted, they would have said faster horses, it’s not until you ask WHY and dig to the root of the problem or desire that you find out what they really want. And in Henry’s case, it was I’m assuming to get to their destination faster. And I bet if he was marketing he would have asked why again and again that he would discover that they don’t want to miss the birth of a baby, or because they spend so much time travelling that on a trip to visit a family member by the time they get there they have to turn around and go straight home. This is the magic of WHY.

What does your audience care about in their words?

These are the juicy messaging angles that get to the heart of your audience's emotions and expand beyond the same-same messaging so you create demand for your programs and cash in with big launches.

If it’s been more than 6-12 months since you did a market research call or if you’re about to launch a new offer, I want you to jump on 5 VOC interviews.

By the end of these calls you should have detailed answers to…

The 3-5 problems your ICA has

3-5 specific ways this shows up for them

The mistakes that cause the problem

What do they think is the solution and What are they trying to do that isn’t working

What does success look like to them? If they solved their problem, how would they articulate it?

Why does your solution matter to them?

Now that you know what you should be answering, who should you interview?

The people you interview need to be dream clients otherwise the data you collect will be skewed.

My DFY client project include up to 3 custom interviews and I will interview past clients or current students and if they don’t have anyone that fits the new offers dream client avatar, we’ll jump into Facebook groups to find people who fit the exact criteria.

If you need help with this, I have created a free guide that includes almost 50 questions you can swipe for your own interviews. I’ll add it to the show notes, but the URL is

Depending on the specific goals of your calls, you’ll only need to ask 8-10 questions which go for around 20-30 mins depending on how much your interviewee speaks.

Maybe you’re interviewing new students to uncover the stand out features that helped them choose your program over another, an example question from the guide would be, “Were there specific features or aspects of my program that played a crucial role in your decision to enroll?

Or maybe you’re trying to determine the transformation and big why from past students and you’d ask, “Can you share specific instances or areas in your business where you've experienced positive changes or growth because of the program?”

And then remember, keep asking why 5 times.

Whatever your need, the guide is divided into 4 sections so you can quickly create a list of questions for your VOC interviews.

I hope this episode is the catalyst for you to discover the juicy messaging angles that are irresistible to your dream clients so that you convert more students and clients into your group programs. And if you ever need help with your copy, I’d love to hear from you. You can send me a DM on Instagram or head to my website,

Bye for now.

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How to Uncover Juicy & Irresistible Copywriting Messaging Angles

03. How to Uncover Juicy & Irresistible Messaging Angles

May 13, 202415 min read

'But it doesn’t call to the client’s dream audience in a way that says, “Hey you! I deeply understand what you’re going through, and here are the very specific problems and desires you have. I’m talking to you because I am an expert at what I do and you can be sure that this offer will be exactly what you need.”'

03. How to Uncover Juicy & Irresistible Messaging Angles

Ever wanted to get an inside look into the mind of your audience? I’m back with part 2 of the Simplify Your Copy series and in today's episode, you’ll learn to uncover irresistible messaging angles that create that "OMG, she's in my head" response so clients need what you’re selling.

Through real-life examples, you’ll get a look into “Phase 1: Position” of my connection-first framework to walk away with actionable strategies that identify your audience's pain points, desires, and unique challenges to create copy that drives conversions and sets your business apart.

Take your copywriting skills to the next level and transform your launch. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur scaling to 7 figures or a newer coach working toward 6-figures, this episode will pull back the curtain on mistakes I see the majority of business owners making with their copy, regardless of how long they’ve been in business.

Topics discussed:

  • How to understand what your audience needs to hear before writing anything.

  • Why you’re doing all the things ... but aren’t getting the conversions you want.

  • How generic and ambiguous language in copywriting is the cause of poor sales 

  • The role of specificity and emotional resonance in crafting compelling messaging that drives action.

  • A strategy that delivers 80% results for just 20% effort (that you can do today)

  • A real-life example of how I helped a client dig beneath surface-level copy to get to the heart of her audience's desires.  

  • Strategies for uncovering the juicy and irresistible messaging angles to use in your sales copy.

Thank you for listening to this episode of Copy to Freedom: The Podcast. Subscribe for more lighthearted, inspirational, and actionable chats about business, marketing, and reclaiming your freedom.

Connect with Erin:



Would you love a free 30-min strategy call with me? These strategy calls have previously been reserved for my DFY high-ticket clients and are valued at over $250.

All you have to do is leave the show an honest review. Take a screenshot and send it to [email protected] and you’ll go into the monthly draw to win a 1:1 strategy call. These calls will be a gamechanger if you’ve got an upcoming launch or need an existing piece of copy improved.


Welcome back to the podcast, and today we’re revisiting The Simplify Your Copy series where I’m uncomplicating the copy process and diving into ONLY what you need to know as a non-copywriter to scale your business.

This is part 2 of the series and in this episode, we’ll be visiting a topic that requires minimal effort but gets you maximum results.

In part one, we chatted about what to include and how to outline your sales page using the principles of buyer psychology. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, I would recommend checking that episode out after this one; it’s episode 01, Sections of a High Converting Sales Page. But don’t worry, you don’t need to listen to them in order. If you struggle with knowing what to include and how to say it, that episode is going to give you a TON of clarity.

Alright, so today, we’re actually rewinding even further to what happens before you start writing.

Now, you might be wondering WHY I didn’t do this episode first. And the real reason is that most of you will skip this step. Even after listening to this, I can guarantee that many of you still won’t do it. Getting your sales page written is the sexy part, just like launching and doing all the tangible tasks they make you feel really accomplished because you can see them. This is a little more abstract.

I know a lot of people in this audience think they aren’t good writers or if you’re like my spiritual babes and coaches you believe your ideas lose potency when translated from thoughts into words.

And one of the reasons you feel this way is your process for writing copy. When you’ve tasked yourself to write a sales page or an email and step 1 is you open a Google doc then you sit staring at a blank screen wondering “Where TF do I start?” This is the problem. Step 1 is not writing.

In my connection-first framework, I have 3 steps that come before any writing. When you do these first, you'll feel much more confident knowing:

what you need to say

how to stay authentic

And how to say it

The principle you’ll be learning today is no. 1 “what you need to say.”

And I know many of you skip this because it feels hard or you don’t want to do it because it can be outside of your comfort zone.

But you know how they say, 80% of your results come from the 20% of your actions? Well, this step is the 20%.

And it’s easy. I promise you that. And it will be SO worth it when you do it and pay off in dividends – as in create a huge upward shift in your conversions.

Ok, so enough teasing – what am I talking about? What is so powerful, it can create 80% of your results with just 20% of your effort?

That thing is to uncover the juicy and irresistible messaging angles so your dream clients have that “OMG, she’s in my head” response when reading your copy.

This isn’t just some buzzword us copywriters use, because I’m sure you’ve landed on a sales page in the past and just connected with absolutely everything that was written there. You knew before you scrolled down to the offer, that whatever it was, you NEEDED it.

Today I want to help you create that effect for yourself.

Firstly, it’s important to stop guessing what your audience needs to hear.

Let me ask you this, do you feel like you’re doing all.the.things but still aren’t hitting your sales targets?

You’ve done everything you’re supposed to do in a launch…

You followed a proven strategy

You wrote the sales page

You teased and warmed up your audience

Then cart open you sent out a killer sales sequence

While you may have gotten a few sales, you didn’t hit your 5 or 6-figure goals.

And you think…

Maybe your offer is the problem…

Did I price it too high? Should I add more bonuses? Maybe module 2 wasn’t sexy enough.


You think that your audience is too small. And that to enroll more students you need wayyyy more people.

Hand up if you’ve thought one of these things after a launch that go to plan?

And here’s the thing. List growth is something you should be doing. But do you think if you significantly increased your audience size, you significantly increase conversions?

We’re all about working smarter not harder around here. Before just doing the thing because everyone else is doing it, ask yourself if it’s right for your business. So is list growth what you should be prioritizing before you relaunch or do you already have a decent sized list that hasn’t been exhausted?

Do you actually need to create a new offer or do you know your current offer will provide a massive transformation to its desired audience?

If you’re not converting at a minimum of 3-5% – Your offer and your audience size is NOT the problem.

And I know you probably feel frustrated. You probably feel overwhelmed and probably like you will never get the hang of this launch thing.

You put so much time and energy into it. So when it doesn’t work, it’s easy to become reactive. You’re just IN it. Nothing you do is multi-6-figure CEO responsive.

But right now, I want you to let out a sigh of relief because the good news is… If you’ve got an audience, are great at selling out your 1:1 offers but you around hitting your group program sales goals – we can fix that.

You’ve just got a messaging problem.

Boom. Diagnosis.

You just built the house without the foundation

Looks good from a distance.

It appears you've done all the things, but when you get closer it's just a wobbly set of walls and a roof without a solid foundation.

And it does not hold up in a storm or in this case, in a launch.

What you need is a strong messaging foundation to launch from.

That will get you out of the cycle of constantly creating, of always doing lead gen and instead help you develop a couple of signature programs that you can re-launch over and over using the same assets. Hello, freedom-based business.

You’ve got the offer, how do you uncover these messaging angles that create demand for your programs, and deliver results?

Before you can uncover these juicy messaging angles I want to quickly point out how a messaging problem shows up in your launches and your business.

When I’m reviewing copy or working with a new client, the thing I see 90% of the time is that

The problems and solutions don’t go deep enough to cause a reaction from the reader.

There’s an overuse of generic same-same messaging which doesn’t position you as an authority.

And an overuse of words and phrases that sound good but have no meaning.

The coaching and online education industry is BOOMING right now, which means markets are more saturated. While that sounds scary, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing a bad thing because people are still buying. It’s only when the educators increase but students decrease that there’s a problem.

In fact, the online education industry was valued at almost 39 billion dollars in 2022 and is projected to grow to 270 billion by 2031.

The only thing you actually need to be concerned about right now, is how to stand out and take your piece of pie.

Because surface level copy and generalized messaging that once worked doesn’t cut it anymore (this is why you may have been seeing your launches decrease or plateau in sales over the past few years).

You're missing out on sales because the messaging angles don’t speak to your ideal client's deepest desires and fears.

Or your unique selling point isn’t a no-brainer solution because there are 100 other unique selling points that are exactly the same.

Or your expert bias is getting in the way. As in you assume your audience knows as much as you do about their problem.


To uncover the juicy and irresistible messaging angles that deliver the “She’s in my head” copy.

I want you to dig deeper into the topics, pain points and benefits that matter to your dream clients.

Make sure you're speaking the same language as them – Too often, what they think is the solution is different to what you know is the solution. You need to meet your audience where they’re at.

Let’s look at an example of some typical benefits you'd see on a sales page.

Regain control of your life and rediscover your unique path.

Find deep fulfillment without sacrificing what matters to you.

Can you tell me what's wrong with this? Do you hear a problem with them at all?

If you said you couldn’t find anything wrong with them, I’m not surprised.

Remember back to our house? It looks good, it’s just on closer inspection or when it needs to hold up in a storm you see the shaky foundation it’s built on.

So what is wrong with these sentences? And these are taken from a real-life scenario that I worked on with a client.

The language being used is generic and quite ambiguous.

Almost anyone who lands on this page could relate to it in a way. But it doesn’t call to the client’s dream audience in a way that says, “hey you, I deeply understand what you’re going through, and here are the very specific problems and desires you have, I’m talking to you because I am an expert at what I do and you can be sure that this offer will be exactly what you need.”

And this is why language like this is costing you sales.

Because it’s skimmable. It doesn’t evoke the readers emotions. Instead of getting the response above, it gets an “meh, it’s alright”

Let’s fix these sentences. How should they be written?

When working with my client, we turned, Regain control of your life and rediscover your unique path into “Strike a balance between excelling at work and enjoying your personal life”

Find deep fulfillment without sacrificing what matters to you was upgraded to “Confidently pursue that promotion at work without missing your son’s winning goal at the soccer game”

Do you want to know how to do this with your own copy?

The way I helped my client improve on her benefit copy was to ask what she meant by these statements.

For example, I asked her, What benefits will your clients see when they “Regain control of their life?” What does your client actually want?” And the same for rediscover your unique path. What does that actually mean to someone you’re trying to work with? Why is that important to them? Or how does that show up in their daily life?

Keep asking WHY it’s important to your ideal clients until you come up with an answer that's hyper specific.

Now, what if you don’t know?

What if you answered that question by saying,

“I think it’s important because…” or “I think they would want…”

As soon as I hear the words, “I think” there is MORE work to be done.

And this is what we’ve been working toward this entire episode. HOW do you find and uncover the juicy messaging angles to use in your sales copy?

VOC Interviews

All market research can be valuable and has its place.

Competitor Research, Surveys & Polls are a great starting place…

But the real magic. That’s when you get face-to-face with someone and have the ability to ask furthering questions.

Just like the famous quote by Henry Ford the inventor of the car. He said, if he’d asked his audience what they wanted, they would have said faster horses, it’s not until you ask WHY and dig to the root of the problem or desire that you find out what they really want. And in Henry’s case, it was I’m assuming to get to their destination faster. And I bet if he was marketing he would have asked why again and again that he would discover that they don’t want to miss the birth of a baby, or because they spend so much time travelling that on a trip to visit a family member by the time they get there they have to turn around and go straight home. This is the magic of WHY.

What does your audience care about in their words?

These are the juicy messaging angles that get to the heart of your audience's emotions and expand beyond the same-same messaging so you create demand for your programs and cash in with big launches.

If it’s been more than 6-12 months since you did a market research call or if you’re about to launch a new offer, I want you to jump on 5 VOC interviews.

By the end of these calls you should have detailed answers to…

The 3-5 problems your ICA has

3-5 specific ways this shows up for them

The mistakes that cause the problem

What do they think is the solution and What are they trying to do that isn’t working

What does success look like to them? If they solved their problem, how would they articulate it?

Why does your solution matter to them?

Now that you know what you should be answering, who should you interview?

The people you interview need to be dream clients otherwise the data you collect will be skewed.

My DFY client project include up to 3 custom interviews and I will interview past clients or current students and if they don’t have anyone that fits the new offers dream client avatar, we’ll jump into Facebook groups to find people who fit the exact criteria.

If you need help with this, I have created a free guide that includes almost 50 questions you can swipe for your own interviews. I’ll add it to the show notes, but the URL is

Depending on the specific goals of your calls, you’ll only need to ask 8-10 questions which go for around 20-30 mins depending on how much your interviewee speaks.

Maybe you’re interviewing new students to uncover the stand out features that helped them choose your program over another, an example question from the guide would be, “Were there specific features or aspects of my program that played a crucial role in your decision to enroll?

Or maybe you’re trying to determine the transformation and big why from past students and you’d ask, “Can you share specific instances or areas in your business where you've experienced positive changes or growth because of the program?”

And then remember, keep asking why 5 times.

Whatever your need, the guide is divided into 4 sections so you can quickly create a list of questions for your VOC interviews.

I hope this episode is the catalyst for you to discover the juicy messaging angles that are irresistible to your dream clients so that you convert more students and clients into your group programs. And if you ever need help with your copy, I’d love to hear from you. You can send me a DM on Instagram or head to my website,

Bye for now.

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Copy to Freedom: The Podcast - Erin Morris | Copywriting for Creatives

A copywriting podcast to reclaim your freedom, earn more, and live your BIGGEST life through launching & scalable offers.

  • Are you hitting your dream launch goals?

  • Are you moving away from 1:1 coaching and into scalable offers?

  • Is it time you reclaimed your freedom?

Get a no-fluff look into the strategies I use with my multi-6-figure clients.

Listen in on actionable conversations about buyer psychology, launch strategies, and creating soulful copy for instant connections and big conversions.

Copy to Freedom: The Podcast - Erin Morris | Copywriting for Creatives

Would You Love a Free 1:1 Strategy Call With Me?

These strategy calls have previously been reserved for my DFY high-ticket clients and are valued at over $250. 

All you have to do is leave the show an honest review. Take a screenshot and send it to [email protected] and you’ll go into the monthly draw to win a 30-min 1:1 strategy call.

These calls will be a game-changer if you’ve got an upcoming launch or need an existing piece of copy improved.

Erin Copywriting for Creatives

Hi, I’m Erin – Launch Strategist, Conversion Copywriter, Podcaster and Digital Nomad

launch strategist and launch copywriting

I built a lifestyle-first business and I can’t wait to help you do the same.

As a copywriter for creatives, I’ll help you earn more and live BIG as you scale your brand to make more while doing less.

For every 10 sales pages that sound the same, there is ONE that stands out and makes the reader laugh, cry and rejoice – “Babe, I found her!” 

I built a lifestyle-first business and I can’t wait to help you do the same. As a copywriter for creatives, I’ll help you earn more and live BIG as you scale your brand to make more while doing less.

For every 10 sales pages that sound the same, there is ONE that stands out and makes the reader laugh, cry and rejoice – “Babe, I found her!” 

You wonder, how did she do it? How did she just make me drop $3,000 without blinking an eye?

The secret…

Connection-first copy.

When you stop “trying” to make your audience do something and focus on getting your audience to say, “Yes, that’s me!”, you'll have words that connect. And connection creates conversions.

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