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And if you want to take your Launch to the Next Level...

The Conversion-Boosting Sales Page Bundle can be yours for just $9

The Conversion-Boosting Sales Page Bundle

🙏 Finally Get that Sales Page Finished

Hey there, impact-driven Coach

I see you! You didn’t just start your biz to make a lot of money (but we’ll get to that shortly), you started your brand coz you’re serious about helping others.

>>> But unfortunately for you, “Build it and they will come”doesn’t work.

It’s like shouting from the rooftops, “HEY! I’ve got what you need!”

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level through increasing sales and conversions, then lucky for you my superpower is just that!

I’m the person people come to when they‘re ready to make more money (see, I told you we’d get there).

sales pages don’t need to be scary or daunting

What if you had someone to hold your hand through the sales page process (but without the done-for-you price tag)?

... A proven framework, template and process that helps people understand why your offer is so bloody brilliant they can’t help but buy it?

What if you had someone to hold your hand through the sales page process (but without the done-for-you price tag)?

... A proven framework, template and process that helps people understand why your offer is so bloody brilliant they can’t help but buy it?

Maybe you’re:

  • Stuck due to blinking cursor syndrome: Does your mind go blank every time you open a new Google doc?

  • Unsure about the structure to follow: The sales page framework is based on human decision-making studies. It can sometimes feel like you need another degree to structure it and make it exciting

  • Lost trying to stand out in a competitive industry: Sure, competition within our industries is fierce, but when you use a storytelling framework you’re offer and brand will stand out as being YOUniqely yours. 

  • Struggling with time to write: Ohhh friend, how I get you. There are SO many things to do in biz, it’s hard to know what you should do yourself and what to outsource. Writing your sales page can be time-consuming, especially when you don’t have the faintest clue what to include. 

Keep scrolling if you’re ready to make your sales page woes disappear.

Conversion-Boosting Sales Page Bundle

Instead of wasting time trying to write your sales page from scratch...

Use the Conversion-Boosting Sales Page Bundle to rapid-fire your way to a sales page that connects, stands out and converts. 💥 Boom. It’s the trifecta-baby.

Here’s why you’re going to love this…

  • Three base frameworks to choose from. Maybe you’re really good at writing and just need a little bit of assistance - you can choose the skeleton outline. Need additional help, you’ll love the Plug ‘n’ Play Framework and then I’ve also included two real-life swipe files examples.

  • Structure your sales page in a logical way that leads your reader through the buyer journey

  • Enjoy the swipe files in their original GDoc form. Because obviously you’ve seen what a sales page looks like after design, I want you to see the raw document so you know how to start writing one.

  • Get the 411 on why you need a sales page if you’re serious about making money and creating more impact.

  • Copy and paste sections with prompts that utilise the Attraction Storytelling Framework.

Actually tick “write sales page” off your to-do list and start making ca$h money

Get Instant Access to...

Conversion-Boosting Sales Page Bundle

Don't miss out on this limited-time opportunity to take your sales to the next level. 

What's included:

Everything you need to Write a Sales Page with ease...

🔥 Skelton outline for the Writers who just want the structure

🔥 Plug 'n' play framework to provide a structure and Easy copy and paste sections

🔥 Swipe files for extra inspiration

🔥 Placeholders for mockups, guarantees, testimonials & more



An absolute steal for the amount of time you'll save by having a structured plug 'n' play framework and swipes files

Erin Morris Co. is a space where everyone is affirmed and celebrated, regardless of their gender identity, sexuality, race, age, religion, or disability.